Upscale Engage

Increasing your sales productivity
HeroModule: cE


Product designer responsible for designing user flow, defining micro-interactions and behavior, information architecture and end-to-end interactive prototyping


Agile UX
User Flow

Chrome Extension solution for a faster and more productive experience.

Design Process

CE Design Process

Problem Scoping

While the application allowed the users to automate their tasks and increase their productivity by 200%, there was still a minor inconvenience that our users faced while executing LinkedIn tasks. A redirection to a prospect's LinkedIn profile wasn't an automated task. The users had to manually copy their messages onto LinkedIn's direct message, not reducing any workload.


As a part of our research, we empathized with our users to understand what they needed while performing LinkedIn activities. The following were the most commonly faced barriers while executing tasks.
User Interview
We validated these use cases by surveying users and decided to roll out our chrome extension solution in versions to get more clarity on the usage of LinkedIn tasks.

Information Architecture

The information architecture of the chrome extension followed the flow of the web application
Information Architecture


It wasn’t ideal to translate the entire web application into a chrome extension. Given the ambiguous problem space, we decided to first dive into the data. I partnered with the PM to gather and analyze the numbers regarding how the app was currently being used. The business goal of the company was to have a chrome extension exclusively for performing LinkedIn tasks and then slowly expand its capabilities to that of a web application without increasing the load, yet treating it as a standalone application.

High-fi Prototypes

What didn't work?
CE - version1
During our analysis of usage data, we also found that the prospect profile had significant room for improvement. The extension didn't help a user quickly access their previous discoveries. There was no personalization available.

Final Prototypes

The issues in the first version led to us moving forward with a swipeable panel below that gave users easy access to all key actions. I focused on bringing the entire list of tasks to the landing page with only the required information. I stripped away and reorganized the lesser-used portions of the UI, allowing the user to get to their entire history immediately on the 'Recently Contacted' page. The 'More' section gave users easy access to support and personalization settings.
The profile section now replicated the web application flow allowing the user to seamlessly access the prospect information without switching to the app.
— Sahara: Healthcare Web App